Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh, little pink apartment, how do I love thee? I so wish I could spill ALL of the secrets I have here, but, alas, I fear the guts I have to spill are a tad too revealing. I would pass judgment on me reading what I have to say.

So I won't say it. Sorry, ladies. Maybe in time.

Things have been going very well with Liam lately...he's been happy and kind--save for one argument which resulted in this Constance yelling "DO YOUR OWN F&@*KING LAUNDRY". I was in a terrifically terrible mood that night, but bad as it was, I'm proud of myself. Ya see, as nice and kind and caring as Liam is, he also is a tad controlling and also hypercritical. Normally when we argue I'll admit defeat (even though I know I'm right) to quell the situation. This time, I didn't. It confused the heck out of him, and he was sweet as pie (almost to the border of sucking up) for the next few days afterwards. Mission accomplished! Meanwhile, his un-folded laundry is STILL sitting in a basket--I am taking a stand and refusing to do it for him, to see how long he will go until putting it away. My bet is...well...never.

I spent a glorious 5-day vacation about 1000 miles away from home. Left Liam at home and had fun fun fun while I was away visiting my BFFs. I felt amazing when I got back...after the vacation hangover wore off.

Then, Liam and I spent about a day in the woods, visiting family and having a good old time. I think both of us needed it.

I'm still irritated about clean-house seems like all I ever do is run around the house picking stuff up, dusting, doing dishes, vacuuming--and if I slack off for one day, it looks like a category-5 hurricane swept through the place.

Well, that was enlightening, huh? I should have some more, um, juicy stuff for y'all later.

1 comment:

"Constance-1-M" said...

I had a HUGE blow-out-guts-spilling-truth-revealing post when I first moved in ... it was a little scary all the truth that spilled out. But I needed to get it out & quit festering it.

Once I spilled it was really kinda cathartic. And no one judged me ;) I felt better & it was easier to deal with everything once it was out there on the ground in front of me!

Spill away girl ~ if you can't be honest here, where else can you be?!