Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let me just tell you something. I HATE HAVING MY FREAKING PERIOD. I know this is neither an original nor unique thought, but holy good god damn!!! I have been in a horrifyingly bad funk for the past 2 weeks...culminating with extreme anger over the weekend, and last night, I got to have...dun dun dun...INSOMNIA!!! Oh the joys and the fun! Oh the excitement and the F&#CKing aaaaaaaaaaaaaagony! Last night I went to bed at normal time -- around 10, 10:30. Woke up at midnight to find Liam STILL on the computer (my laptop) with the living room lights burning brightly and if I'm not mistaken, the TV still on. So now I'm awake. He comes to bed AFTER taking a shower. It was HOT and MUGGY as hell last night, my sheets REALLY need to be changed and I do not have air conditioning. Good ol hot and sweaty and freshly hot-showered Liam comes to bed, and ups the temperature by about a thousand degrees. After about 10 minutes I leapt up, yelling "F&CK THIS" and went to the couch, IN TEARS (thanks, menstruation!!! Love ya for that one!). Liam comes out and asks me what's wrong.

Now, dear Constances, at this moment I could have let loose all of the problems my pre-menstrual mind was stirring up --- his share of the bills, his lack of desire to keep the house clean, his constant nitpicking, etc etc etc. BUT I knew that if I did, i would never ever get back to sleep, and we'd end up in a nasty fight.

I did eventually go back to bed, and it was cooler in the bedroom, but Liam had the entire blanket wrapped around his sweaty self, and when I pulled off a corner, it was damp.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo needless to say, I'm gonna be a bit GRUMPY today.... lack of sleep is crap. I hate hot muggy nights, really I do.


"Constance-1-M" said...

Tequila was created for days such as this.

Take 2 shots with lime & test to see if life has improved. If not - repeat experiment until life is wonderful, or you're too buzzed to care!

ConstanceTheHundredTwentyFifth said...

Lady, you are my new hero. I am going to try that remedy as soon as I get home from work.