Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It seems like all i do here is bitch and moan...but that's what little pink apartments are for, right?
My man is really great--nice, fun, silly, loving, but GOOD GOD DAMN he is a pain in my ass sometimes, especially when it comes to money. So we both pay the rent together, right, but it comes out of my bank account. He informs me last week that he wouldn't be able to put in his portion until Tuesday (2 days after rent is due). I say OK, because the check never clears until the 4th.

Guess what happened.

The rent check miraculously clears my account on Monday. He puts the money in on Tuesday. I get slapped with a $40 overdraft fee. I ask him to pay it and he says "are you blaming me for your overdraft?"

Seriously, I missing something here? If it was me who caused his account to be overdrawn, I would be wracked with guilt and offer to pay him the overdraft fee and then some.

My solution: We open a joint account, to be used only for shared expenses. If it is overdrawn, it is our problem, not my problem.

Constances -- is it just me or are all men absolute idiots when it comes to money? Like, they are broke when you are out of toilet paper/toothpaste/soap/etc but when they see a new toy they like somehow they always find the money to buy it?

I am totally PMSing this week..any time I PMS my money worries/anger with my man about said money issues are increased tenfold, it annoys the crap out of me but he really needs to stop.


Anonymous said...

Mike was like this early on in our relationship, before we were married. We divided expenses, and I found I had to be SCRUPULOUS about it (which I hated doing) or he'd take advantage of me. He would do stuff like toss a pack of razors onto my shopping pile and then "not have money" with him and then "forget" to pay me back, and then roll his eyes when I asked for it, like I was SUCH a nit-picker.

If this hadn't changed, I wouldn't have married him. What changed it was stopping the divided expenses. We got a joint account and I managed it entirely. He has a credit card, and this wouldn't work out if he went around using it for stuff---but he turned out to be trainable in that area.

ConstanceTheHundredTwentyFifth said...

Ha. Mine will do the whole eye-roll thing to when I ask to be paid back for stuff. I think the joint account idea is great. It's nice to know that I'm not in that boat alone. :)

"Constance-1-M" said...

I am just not a split accounts kinda gal ~ if one of us is broke then dang it we're just gonna be broke together!

Hubs doesn't handle the bills (says it stresses him out too much, oye). I took over the checkbook 7 years ago when he made the mistake of thinking that the bank balance was our REAL balance. $300 in overdrafts in ONE. MONTH. made me take over without thinking twice.

Our system is to put all the money together & have cash allowances for our personal fun stuff (games, shoes, etc). If we need clothes then we budget that in, everything for the kiddo comes out of the house account .... otherwise I would really be resenting being the only one paying for her hair bows/shoes/ etc.