Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dude, you are in for it

So, when you told me your friend had an extra ticket for Monday's Red Sox game and he wanted you to go, I said OK. I was very happy that you were concerned that I wasn't getting to go, and even happier when you said you almost didn't accept because you'd rather go with me.

Go, have fun! Seriously. I am not going to keep you from having a good time, simply because I can't go along too.

Have some beers at the game, heck, have some after, too -- totally fine with me. Public transport in this city is great.

BUT. WHEN you call me after midnight and WAKE ME UP to come and get you (three miles away) because you've missed the last bus-- DO NOT tell me in the car that I have "no right" to be upset. DO NOT get mad when I refuse to give you the driver's seat (as if--you've been drinking!!!) and under no circumstances DO NOT make me feel bad for being upset that I've been woken up from sleep to have to get dressed and come pick you up.
