Friday, April 11, 2008

Oh, the Agony!!!

So after commuting via bus and train for the last 6 or so months, I scored a job within driving distance. When Liam and I moved to the city, we got rid of one of the cars (actually, we traded in his truck and MY car to get one car, because he was upside down on the truck payments and wanted to get rid of it...) The car we have now is MINE. Well, we share it, but I pay the majority of the monthly car payment and I pay for insurance. Up until recently, I rarely ever drove it.

He's been commuting on bus/train, and is doing so for free for the rest of the month thanks to my T-pass that my former job paid for and he begged me to give to him.

So my first day at work ends, and I get a phone call from Liam, whining about the bus and the train and asking could-you-please-come-pick-me-up. Out of my way and into traffic. Now, I will say that when HE was at home, between jobs, sitting on his lazy ass, IN THE WINTER, he not once came to pick me up, even when I asked.

I compromised and met him about a mile from our apartment, ha ha.

So the second day at work comes and goes, and I get to drive straight home, but only because I have to put a chicken in the oven.

Then....Liam starts telling me about all the job's he's applied for....AWAY from public transportation.

Is he CRAZY? It's like, dude. We have ONE CAR. ONE. I am using it to get back and forth to work. You will have to find a full-time job NEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.  I know the only reason he is doing this is because he is insanely jealous that I get to drive it and he has to take the bus. Deal, buddy. Deal with it. Don't make this harder for me than it already is. You get a practically free ride from me already, so don't let's start adding on the frustrations, kthx.